Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mission Statement

My Dad has a blog. This forum will be a safe haven to dissect, discuss and analyze each of his blog entries. I will be reviewing each post based on the following merits: Originality, Sentimentality, Nostalgia, and number of Food References.

I will be awarding each post a rating between 1 and 5 CANNOLIS: 5 CANNOLIS = "Top Notch! I wish he had written more!"
1 CANNOLI = "Eh, I've heard this story a million times at Aunt Theresa's during Christmas Eve."

Please feel free to post. There is only 1 rule: You may ONLY talk about my Dad's blog.


-#1 Son

P.S. The link to my Dad's blog is:

P.P.S. Official reviews will begin tomorrow.


  1. Finally, a daily blog devoted to the cult phenomenon that is Del Bloggolo. You can imagine my surprise at learning that Son of Del Bloggolo is not written by the editors at Gawker, as I initially assumed. Nor was it created by the staff at OR Cat Fancy. No, it's written by Son #1. (The odds of that!) Keep it real, Bloggolos. I'll be reading. With bells on.
